The Power of Can – Adventure Awaits

I’m an ambitious person. I’ve always looked out into the world with wonder. I want to do all the things, go to all the places, and live my life to the fullest. However, since my MS diagnosis I have found myself questioning myself and my ability. Ambitions / Dreams / Adventures I want to learn…

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Square One

I don’t really know where to begin or how to put into words how I have been feeling as of late. I have tried many times. Best I can summarize it is that I’ve been feeling really lost, stuck, and a little broken. I feel like I don’t really know who I am anymore. I…

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Untiled – Just Life

Another night, another blog written in the dark embrace of my bedroom. My heated blanket hugging me. The sweet tunes from this playlist labeled “acoustic doze-off” have me energized. My mind is racing, my legs are bouncing to the rhythm once more.

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Truly Profound

I have spent a year trying to figure out how to write about this topic. The topic of my bottom surgery and the effects it had on my state of being. It’s difficult to describe, it’s more than I thought it would be. Prior to the procedure, the only somewhat comparable experience I had to…

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